
All my posts are for Entertainment purposes only... Not responsible for any feelings hurt, any one offended, or any relationships that may be permanently damaged because of one of my posts. - RB$

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Seriously? They call this love advice?

Friday, 04 June 2010

I usually will post a blog about a "major" news story effecting all of out lives (sarcasm off), but while searching for the biggest news story of the day this article came up...


This article claims...
"Conventional relationship wisdom says that being supportive during times of loss and sadness is a good way to strengthen a relationship bond...however celebrating good news with each other means even more." by a PHD professor of psychology

So let me get this straight... If you want your relationship to prosper and to go to the next level, then dont support them when they need you too...instead just boast about your accomplishments in their face during their time of need...

Really? This is the biggest load of crap I heard since George Bush claimed Iraq had Weapons of mass destruction...
Like seriously, who writes these articles... Have they ever had sex in their life? lol... Ladies, Gents, and all in between... Do yourself a favor and never...ever...ever ever ever ever ever take relationship advice from articles... Ever notice how the ones who always give out love advice is always single, lol... exactly...

Agree? Disagree? Dont Care? pls give me your feedback... Warning I will respond to each comment, and am not responsible for any feelings that might get hurt....lol

- RB$

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