
All my posts are for Entertainment purposes only... Not responsible for any feelings hurt, any one offended, or any relationships that may be permanently damaged because of one of my posts. - RB$

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Obama...The latest example of When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong...

Tuesday, 08 June 2010

This just in...

"In an 
interview with the "Today" show's Matt Lauer on Tuesday morning, the president offered his bluntest response yet about the oil spill disaster, telling Lauer he's been talking to experts about "whose ass to kick" when it comes to responsibility for the mess.

As you can imagine people all over America were outraged and shocked that President Obama would lose his cool, many feel that this many be the downfall of civilization as we know it (sarcasm off)...

For me it immediately became clear what was going on... It was a classic case of when keeping it real goes wrong...

Many people fail to realize that way before Obama was President of this great country he was just Barack from the city streets of Chicago...and as the old saying goes you can take him out the hood, but you cant take the hood out of him. lol

This is one of the reasons I admire Obama so much... He's real... He walks with Swag (for those who dont know what swag means click Here) ... He's done a great job of responding to stupid questions and being questioned about everything he does and somehow managed to stay calm this long, but for once Obama decided to...Keep it real... The realist part about Obama keeping it real was that he was real while being politically correct..  lol

Complete interview can be seen here (http://news.yahoo.com/video/local-15749667/20230988)

Agree? Disagree? Dont Care? pls give me your feedback... Warning I will respond to each comment, and am not responsible for any feelings that might get hurt....lol

- RB$

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