
All my posts are for Entertainment purposes only... Not responsible for any feelings hurt, any one offended, or any relationships that may be permanently damaged because of one of my posts. - RB$

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2010 Year in Review...

2010 was the start of the 2nd decade of the 21st century. Lets go back and look at the year that was.

Movie of the Year: Toy Story 3
Men Lie, Women Lie, but Numbers Don't. This was the highest grossing film of 2010, and I have yet to read a bad review of it. 

TV Show of the Year: Big Bang Theory

This was a down year for TV, so who really cares  lol

Album of the Year: "Dark Twisted Fantasy" - Kanye West

This album is pure genious. Every single track on the album adds to the album. Whether its the creative intros, creative outros, Lyrics, production, or the other featuring artists this Album might just be the top Hip-Hop album so far this century. #KanyeShrug

Music Artist of the Year: Lady Gaga

Love or Hate her she was the top selling artist world wide in 2010, and the top searched artist of 2010 according to search engine Bing.

New Artist of the Year: Justin Beiber

 Hate all you want but Justin Beiber debuted his album which went certified Platinum, headlined a world tour, had 2 number 1 singles, and got killed on South Park (Your not important until south park made fun of you lol)... All this at the age of 16.

Asshole of the Year: Pat Robertson

After the tragic Earthquake in haiti, this dude had the nerve to say Haiti had it coming to them and the earthquake was the best thing to happen because Napoleon III  made a pact with Satan to free them France.

Sport Game of the Year: NBA Finals Game 7: Lakers vs Celtics
What more can you ask for. One of the most storied rivalries in any sport, Game 7 for the Championship, and a these 2 teams battled literally every single possession. The result was the most exciting defensive battle ever.

Facebook Fad of the Year: Doppelgänger Week (Celebrity Look a Like)

For a week everyone put up pictures of celebrities they were told they resemble. And it was hilarious how dead on some of them were.

Twitter Trending Topic of the Year: Cant decide,

People went in on alot of them. Heres my finalists:
#UnheardCelebBooks ("Edumacation Aint fo erbody" by Waka Flocka lmaooo)
#LiesYouShouldntFallFor (I dont live with my parents baby, they just moved in with me lol)
#UglyNames (Too easy, dont wanna offend no one, lol)
#AbortionClinicPlaylistSongs ("There goes my baby" by Usher lmfaooooo)

Quote of the Year:

"No One should go Broke because the Choose to go to College"
- President Obama

Agree? Disagree? Dont Care? pls give me your feedback... Warning I will respond to each comment, and am not responsible for any feelings that might get hurt....lol - RB$™


  1. Waka Flocka wrote a book?!!!

  2. lol, No... It was a Twitter trending topic... U make up books that Celebs would write...
