
All my posts are for Entertainment purposes only... Not responsible for any feelings hurt, any one offended, or any relationships that may be permanently damaged because of one of my posts. - RB$

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Orgins of Phrase "No Homo"

 By now im sure we all had instances of hearing people say "No Homo" or "Pause" after every sentence... At times it can become very annoying that you even have to say "No Homo" after every sentence... And we all wonder why do people say that? What if you dont say it? What if a gay person says No Homo?

Well I dont have the answer to the 3rd question, but I may be able to educate you on the first two.

Back in the 1960's people were very homophobic. Men was to act like Men, and Women and was to act like Women. There was none of this Metrosexual stuff we see today. They drew their line very thin also. Guys with their ears pierced = Gay. Guys with long hair = Gay. Guys with Skinny Jeans on = Death...

Then as time started to enter the 70's new fashion and styles started becoming popular. Certain clothing items such as bell bottoms and stylish shoes once thought to be considered 100% homosexual became not only acceptable for straight people to wear, but it became very popular. And once the 80's rang in  tye dye, Michael Jackson, and weird Hippies were the "In" thing and an estimated 60% of guys over the age of 23 and a half were wearing those items once thought to be forbidden.

Of course you had the conservatives who thought their friends turned to the other side because of what they now wore, so to differentiate between straight and gay, the straight ones actually wore a bade that simply said "No Homo".

After awhile people stopped wearing the badge and simply started saying "No Homo"

And as is the case with every thing that ever becomes popular the extremists and gay rights groups tried to use the whole "Dont ask, Dont tell" law and have it enforced in the city streets, so people for awhile tried to avoid saying "No Homo" which often times left an awkward pause after a sentence (Hence why some people these days say "Pause" instead of "No Homo"

Source: Completely Made it up, but hey it sounds right, lmaooo

Agree? Disagree? Dont Care? pls give me your feedback... Warning I will respond to each comment, and am not responsible for any feelings that might get hurt....lol - RB$™

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