
All my posts are for Entertainment purposes only... Not responsible for any feelings hurt, any one offended, or any relationships that may be permanently damaged because of one of my posts. - RB$

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Cheating 101

Now a days people are getting caught cheating on their spouses at the highest rates seen since the Great Depression. You think your good then next thing you know you end up on the Maury Show, Make an album entitled Confessions, or end up stuck inside someones Closet. Not that I condemn Cheating, but if your gonna do something then do it right.

How To Successfully Cheat On Your Spouse 

This may all seem like common sense but its not as simple as it seems:

  1. Make Sure They Don't Know Each Other. Thanks to new social media this is now easier than ever. I recommend using facebook or other social networking sites to check if they have any mutual friends. 0 Mutual friends = less than a 1% chance they know each other, where as if they have 1300 mutual friends that can mean they probably sat next to each other in class.
  2. Delete your Text Messages and Call Logs Daily. Although this may seem obvious this is the number one way people get caught cheating, But thanks to new technological advances Many smart phones these days can be conveniently set up to do this automatically for you at a specific time each day  (#TeamBlackberry). 
  3. Dont be a Dumbass. Saying you have to work late every night, or saying your going food shopping but coming home with no food might get suspicious after awhile, but claiming having to go in work early is 50% less likely to cause suspicion from your mate. You know what they say, The early bird gets the worm...and the Orgasm.   
  4. Whatever u do Don't Confess just because he/she Confronts You. If they accuse you flip it around (Kevin Hart Teaches How To Argue With A Woman). In the United States your innocent until proven guilty and have the right to remain silent. If you get caught in the actual act just say "It wasn't Me"  
  5. If you start Feeling Guilty just remember it may not be cheating after all:
  • ITS NOT CHEATING if your on a break.
  • ITS NOT CHEATING to receive "oral benefits".
  • ITS NOT CHEATING if you don't cum inside her.

Agree? Disagree? Dont Care? pls give me your feedback... Warning I will respond to each comment, and am not responsible for any feelings that might get hurt....lol - RB$™

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